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Diversity and Inclusion Council Profile - August 2019

Diversity and Inclusion Council Profile – August 2019

jessica tottenham maria russo

Jessica Tottenham and Maria Russo

This month, Northeast Medical Group recognizes two essential members of its Diversity and Inclusion Council: Jessica Tottenham and Maria Russo.

Jessica Tottenham, an associate director of practice operations, began working for NEMG in March 2008. Since 2016, she’s volunteered her time to several Community Outreach Committee and diversity and inclusion programs. Most recently, she was involved with the Ronald McDonald House of CT volunteer meal program – a dinner service provided to families who are supporting their sick children and don’t often have the time, financial means or energy to prepare a healthy, home-cooked meal. “Giving back to those in need is truly a rewarding experience,” she said. “Knowing that I can offer a little something to make others more comfortable makes me feel humble, and connected to the communities we serve.”

Maria Russo, a business development specialist, has been with NEMG for nearly a year and a half and has been an active member of the Diversity and Inclusion Council since its inception in 2018. She’s volunteered for numerous initiatives, including: the SafeFutures bedding and clothing drive, and the “Expanding the Rainbow: Appropriate Care of the LGBTQIA+ Patient” presentation. “The Diversity and Inclusion Council is close to my heart because of my unending support to the LGBTQ community,” she said. “They are not just letters on a page. For my partner, our kids and myself, it’s a way of life. My hope is to participate meaningfully on the Diversity and Inclusion Council, as we aspire to disseminate patient care equally to those who may differ from the clinician providing the care. The LGBTQ community includes people, such as myself, who love our families and are dedicated to making a difference for everyone.”

The Diversity and Inclusion Council is instrumental in carrying out NEMG’s mission to help the communities we serve. For information or to join, contact Robert Mitchell, 203-384-5109. Watch for more information on council initiatives.