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Laura Gonzalez, PA is a certified Physician Assistant dedicated to providing the best medical care for her patients. Ms. Gonzalez is passionate about educating her patients about their health, so they are empowered to make the best decision for themselves and their health. She feels that establishing a collaborative relationship with her patients leads to better outcomes, for both the patient and the provider. Ms. Gonzalez is excited about the opportunity to help patients both through preventative medicine as well as guiding patients through he management of various GI diseases to improved health. Ms. Gonzalez earned her Master of Medical Science degree at Northwestern University. Prior to her practice in gastroenterology, she worked for five years in Emergency Medicine and Urgent Care through Yale New Haven Health System. Ms. Gonzalez enjoys spending time with her family, cooking and traveling.
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Insurance coverage regularly changes, please contact the doctor’s office directly to verify that your specific insurance plan is accepted.
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45 Wells Street
Suite 103
Westerly, RI 02891
Phone: (401) 596-6330
Fax: (860) 865-2380
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